Combined Arms Consulting

About Us

Combined Arms

All Things Considered


In an All-Things-Considered’s model, Leon and Peter, strive to develop people and enhance organizational culture into the space you have always aspired to achieve.

Who are Leon and Peter?

Dr Leon Levin has created and taught over 25 leadership, management, entrepreneurial, and business subjects at the MBA level at 10 universities on two continents. While earning his Doctorate, Leon lays no claim to being an academic, yet he holds a Doctorate in Business Administration, a post-graduate degree in Marketing, and a B. Eco. He has also presented papers in NY and had a number of them published.

Leon also worked as a consultant at PwC, the marketing manager at a TV station, a (struggling) film producer/writer, an advisor in the political sphere, ran his own business, raised capital in NY, coordinated two major international charity events, is currently on the board of a US organization tasked with enhancing leadership models and culture for first responders, and is also an unpublished author, among many other pursuits.

Peter Singer has specialized in workplace conflict handling, high-level negotiations, and mediation for the past 20 years and has consulted extensively throughout his career in Australia New York, and the Middle East. He has built up retail brands, undertaken FMCG work, coordinated the retail growth of Caltex Australia’s largest client, and built a national IT Recruitment Company (along with his brothers) employing 100 employees and 300 subcontractors. Peter has also lectured in Negotiation and mediation at Monash U and ACU, and Entrepreneurship at RMIT, with Leon. He has a degree in Computer Science, a Graduate Certificate, a Graduate Diploma, and a Master's in Conflict Resolution. He attended the special Program on Negotiation at Harvard University.

So, what do these backgrounds tell you about the All Things Considered Consulting framework to develop your people?

We’ve developed this proprietary model that embraces the above experiences, insights, and disappointments we’ve gained along our professional and personal pathways. We’ve created a holistic approach to organizational interactions and decision-making. We’ve incorporated specific works on leadership, strategy, culture, and the complexity of human nature, combining these with an awareness of preparing for the future. We’ve created an approach that is both practicable and people-centric while at the same time leveraging theoretical and evidence-based works ensuring our framework stems from a firm foundation. This is our strategy: "Embracing Organizational Empathy."

Our six-part tailored coaching model gives people insights into themselves, their environments, and the perspectives they so unconsciously don, so they can discover how best to be and perform, in the corporate world. We delve between the lines. We explore motivational drivers that lead to decision making and their associated outcomes be they positive or negative.

What we practice and coach helps organizations create opportunities and opens doors. We do not see you as transactional "clients", you are our colleagues, our fellow travelers in a journey that strives for excellence, fulfillment, and happiness.

A great man once mused "Give a man a fish you feed him for a day teach him to fish you feed him for life" At Combined Arms Consulting we hope to take this one step further. By enhancing the very tools that you need to "fish" we believe you will be able to adapt to any environment and master any challenge.